Tuesday, December 25, 2007

And a Very Disney vs. Anime Hanukkah, Too!

Yeah, yeah, I know Hanukkah came early this year, but, please, it's a small-time festival of lights that got an undeserved promotion in the U.S. So which makes the South Park Dreidel song funnier, Disney or Ouran High School Host Club?

Special Christmas WAAGNFNP bonus clip: Full Metal Alchemist x Weird Al Yankovic's "Christmas at Ground Zero" AMV....

And speaking of Full Metal Alchemist, here's one of the few anime versions of Adam Sandler's "Hanukkah Song":


spyder said...

First vote: Disney over anime.. it just seems to much more aligned with the South Park parodic content and intent. Sacreligious in every way is better.

Likewise have to like the WAAGNFNP bonus over the Adam Sandleresque montage.

The Constructivist said...

With you on the first vote. It hurts that I don't know the anime series, so can't catch much less get the inside jokes.

On the second, I have to go against the Party. Even though the FMA version of Sandler's song had several irritating moments, most of the matches between characters and people named in the song were pretty clever and funny, whereas the first one just went for a bunch of explosions, mostly.

spyder said...

whereas the first one just went for a bunch of explosions, mostly.

But that is the hallmark of the GNF.. hehehehhehehe. I do agree that the mix of characterizations with the Sandler piece was better aligned, but i just love blowing stuff up.

The Constructivist said...

Now you've got me thinking of Beavis and Butt-head, particularly Beavis on "Fire! Firefirefirefirefire!"