Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Best Blogs on Women's Golf: Seoul Sisters

I can't tell you how excited I am that Happy Fan, founder of the Seoul Sisters web site, magazine, and discussion board, has begun blogging at Seoul Sisters. Eric is the English-speaking authority on the KLPGA and has closely followed the Se Ri Pak effect on the LPGA for most of this decade. With all due respect to the other top bloggers on women's golf that I'll be discussing over the next several weeks, I'm ranking him right after Hound Dog based on his blog's promise from the record he had built up over the years, not to mention his first 3 days of posting. Over those 10 posts detailing his rationales for his 2008 awards, Eric has topped most every recap of last season that I've seen.

Want the definitive profile of Ji-Yai Shin, his 2008 Player of the Year? Let's just say he outdid his capsule bio of her and easily matched his best previous articles on her.

How about a thoughtful critique of the LPGA's language policy? There's a lot the LPGA could learn from in that post. And the one joining me in blasting the singling out of Eun-Hee Ji's post-victory verbal performance as the catalyst for the now-rescinded policy, too.

Want to know who will be starring on the KLPGA after Ji-Yai Shin's departure? You should--expect Hee Kyung Seo, He Yong Choi, and So Yeon Ryu to play outside Korea more often in coming years and do quite well.

Want to know more about LPGA rookies not named Wie, Lewis, Shin, Oyama, or Hurst? If M.J. Hur or Mindy Kim exceed expectations in '09, Eric will have played amateur Nostradamus successfully for the 2nd year in a row.

There's more there and more to come. Here's hoping Eric decides to participate in the LPGA Prognostication Derby this season, pays close attention to the fantastic Korean players on the JLPGA, continues to look globally for up-and-coming talent of Korean descent, and throws in a few posts on Seoul Brothers Anthony Kim and Danny Lee over the course of the year.

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