It's me, Sparkychan, see:
Gojira is in trouble and needs your help. The SS meanies have captured her and put her in prison. See, here she is:
Can you rescue her? Or maybe you can get the Mayor of Townsville to call the Power Puff Girls. Do whatever you have to do. Gojira needs your help, she's gotta' save the Glorious GNF.
It would be wrong to wake onechan up to deal with this emergency, right?
Right. Onechan needs to be good and rested to deal with this. Want her to be on Maximum Rationality.
Onechan was so busy consulting with her best friend after yochien and swimming today that she was fast asleep well before I got home from work late after trying to wrestle my talk down to an hour (with translations, sentence by sentence, factored into the talk time). But I can report that the SS have sent a Typhoon (to Fukuoka) and a Fever (to imoto) in a vain attempt to distract her from her mission. More soon!
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