I'm so glad you were able to stop the little bears from climbing around in the cactus. It makes them all itchy and scratchy and the cactus doesn't like it either.
Sparkychan and I are getting ready to go back to America. We've enjoyed it in Japan, but we have to get back. We've decided to go back on the Cybertrain Atomic Dancer Galactic Express. See, here's a picture of us getting read to go in:
Yeah, I know it looks like a computer, but lets just pretend that it's a space-ship, OK? And it really does go into cyberspace. See, here we're talking to the pilot of the Atomic Dancer. Her name is Chiyochan:
Isn't she cute?
Now we're in cyberspace. I wonder why it's all green and wiggly. Do you know, Onechan?
"I know, Gojochan! I know!" -- that's Sparkychan talking. "It's the little wiggly worm. It wants to talk to Onechan." See the little worm way back in there? It's white and has two eyes and a tail. You have to look real hard because it's little and hidden in the dark. But it's right there in the middle,
"Hi, onechan! I'm the little worm. So glad to meet you. If you're ever in Kansas, put your red shoes on and we'll go out to have some ice cream."
Gee, Onechan, you sure are lucky. The little worm doesn't talk to just anyone. It's time to say goodbye -- or, as the old song says, "sayonara, not goodbye." Sparkychan and I are still in cyberspace. We'll send you another letter when we finally get back and tell you about the rest of our trip in cyberspace.
Sayonara, Viva Zapata, and terra del fuego,
Gojochan and Sparkychan
onechan: funny!
Just in case Onechan ever needs some child-appropriate input on the potential, upcoming rulers of the world, you might try this -
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