Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Weird Bug

All right, this has never happened before in my personal history of blogger weirdness! I just "published" this rather suggestive post but it's not showing up on the Mostly Harmless main page--only in its tags or when you link to it directly.

Have I accidentally created a kind of reverse-vampire post? Or a ghost post? Anyone have a clue what's going on? Because I don't!

[Update: First this post didn't show up. Then I changed the settings slightly--just the number of posts to show on the first page, no big deal. Then, lo and behold, both the raincoaster one and this one are showing up on the main page. I have no explanation!]


Anonymous said...

When invoking raincoaster, you must bow three times towards Yha'nthlei, while never letting the cuttlefish diadem slip from your brow. Otherwise you get these technical glitches with Blogger.

The Constructivist said...

Damn, I knew I should have checked with Hug the Shoggoth before trying this!

Anonymous said...

I can handle the bowing three times, but I think keeping the cuttlefish diadem on my brow is going to be a bit tricky.