Sunday, April 13, 2008

Sparkychan in GrandpaLand: Doggie Finds a Toy

Sparkychan was alone in Grandma and Grandpa's house, and she was scared. It had been hours since onechan and imoto had left with their parents and Gojochan to go back to Dunkirk, and she still didn't know why they had left her behind. She was busy hiding under their dada's old bed when, all of a sudden, she heard the phone ring. Maybe it was onechan and imoto! But Sparkychan was disappointed to hear Grandpa say, "Well, hello, Alyak!" She wanted to hear from her girls, not their cousins. But then she heard Grandpa say, "Sure, I'll tell you another Doggie story!" Sparkychan loved stories. So she tiptoed carefully to the door of dada's old room, the better to hear the story that Grandpa told Alyak.


Doggie Finds a Toy
Grandpa Bob

One day, Doggie went for a walk. He was looking for some fun. But, at first, he did not find fun.

When he turned a corner, he didn’t see a big puddle and fell in. He got all wet! Then he shook himself to get dry and splashed a squirrel! The squirrel got mad and threw a nut at him. Doggie ran away!

Then Doggie saw a cookie. He wanted to eat it. But it belonged to a little boy. The little boy wouldn’t give Doggie any of the cookie. Doggie ran away again!

Then Doggie saw another dog. He asked the other dog to play. But it wasn’t a friendly dog. It told Doggie to go away. Doggie ran away. He was sad. He had no one to play with.

But then he saw a toy lying in the street. It was a pretty doll in a red dress. Doggie loved it. He pretended it was a puppy and he was the daddy. He had fun playing with the toy doll.

Then he thought that maybe the toy was lost. Maybe it belonged to someone else. He decided to find the real owner.

But how would Doggie find the real owner? He thought Aki might know. So he went to Aki's house! Guess what! The toy was Aki's. Aki said, ”That is Sparky! I dropped her when I went for a walk.”

Aki and Aya were glad to see Sparky. They thanked Doggie. Mommy and Daddy gave Doggie, Aki, and Aya cookies. Doggie was very happy. He had had fun after all! He even slept over at Aki's house!


Even before Grandpa got off the phone with Alyak, Sparkychan felt much better. If Sparky could be found, so could Sparkychan. Until that happened, she should try to make new friends at Grandma and Grandpa's house. And maybe have an adventure or three....

1 comment:

Bill Benzon said...

& of course Sparkychan has some experience with being found. Because that's how she met onechan and imoto!